This unique website has bondage without any porn. Our bondage scenes and stories can be intense and dramatic. We also like to have fun and not take ourselves too seriously. We feature comedy, drama, full length movies, short screenplays, documentaries, and more!
We also feature hundreds of photos throughout the site
This website began December 12, 2012, in a small cage while Mark Bind was a voluntary prisoner living in a Master/Slave relationship. While caged and in shackles, he wrote about what it was like living in consensual captivity. He had the goal to promote male "bondage" as the normal healthy activity that it can be for many people. He started putting up videos of his bondage play. Over time the website grew as others joined him in consensual bondage play.
This website shows normal guys doing bondage. It has helped to remove much of the "taboo" that was associated with BDSM.
The picture shows Mark Bind imprisoned in his cage in 2012 when he started this website.
We are always looking for new faces for our no-porn male bondage videos. None of the actors in our videos are paid. We all just do it for the love of it. You must be over 21, be willing to show your face on videos, and like to be tied up, and to tie others up. Actors get free lodging at the jail and dungeon in Iowa while they are there. Contact me at